images of photographer with camera laying in the sand in the desert in Monahans Sand Dunes Park, Texas

Stacey enjoys traveling, backpacking, yoga and gardening…and any combination of one or more of these activities at the same time.

Stacey Jemison has been a commercial and advertising photographer since 2007. She spent a good portion of that time as Senior Photographer at Fossil Group, working on brand and advertising campaigns for Fossil, Michele Watches, Watchstation, Michael Kors, Adidas,  Zodiac and more. In 2016, she set up her own studio and shoots commercial advertising photography for Southwest Airlines,  Golin, Texas Instruments, Lexus, TopGolf, Ylang 23, Susan Saffron Jewelry Boutique, Southern Methodist University, Tri-Delta Fraternity, D CEO, Richardson Living, JC Penney, Women Ambassadors Forum, Urban Land Institute and ABC/Disney.  

Featured Interviews in  Richardson Living and Voyage Dallas

You can see her design work at